Meet Ben and Rebecca Faubion, Co-Founders of Artisans & Makers

Hi I’m Rebecca! As a second generation artist and veteran teacher, I'm passionate about the role artists can play in shaping society toward what is Good, True and Beautiful! This passion has led me to study Renaissance Literature, live in Italy and West Africa, and earn a Masters (Arts-in-Education) from Harvard. I've worked with schools, districts, private academies and community centers, and I've seen how great arts education begins at home. That's why Ben and I founded Artisans & Makers: to equip you, our fellow parents, to raise up a new generation of extraordinary artists! With on-demand lessons, printable books, templates and videos we make it easy, wholesome, and uplifting for your kids to learn art from home!

Hi I’m Ben! I want to encourage you: your kids don’t need to flounder for years wondering how to turn their raw artistic talent into a viable career! As an Art/Design Professional, I’ve learned the importance of stewarding my creative abilities so I can flourish financially and otherwise. There are mindsets, habits and skills that can set your kids on a course to prosper! These same tools can even help you thrive as a parent despite our dizzying modern world. Staying hands-on, pursing artisan-quality in the crafting of your unique life, and being a great parent raising vibrant kids is all possible. You don’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to do this alone. We welcome you to join us—from our family to yours—on the journey of Artisans & Makers!
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