A Gift of Art+Books.
By Ben Faubion profile image Ben Faubion
1 min read

A Gift of Art+Books.

I'll never forget sitting in the attic of my parents house as a young child, finding a book on Henri Matisse and being mesmerized.

I love love love art books.

These are the books that illuminate the story of art.

I'll never forget sitting in the attic of my parents house as a young child, finding a book on Henri Matisse and being mesmerized. A whole world of color and light, streaming in through the windows of Matisse's world, straight into the window of my heart!

A few years ago my artist mom entrusted me with her art history library. It is a cache of gorgeous, full color books that she amassed over many years. At the moment, this precious collection remains packed up, as we are still getting settled here in California. I can hardly wait to unleash the inspiration held in those boxes!

In the meantime, I'm grateful for the opportunity to crack open a portion of this treasure, and share it with you!

From our home to yours, please receive this free gift Coloring with Cézanne. While this is a book for children, we hope both you and the kids in your life will enjoy it!

Coming soon, Masterpiece Monthly is a fine art lesson subscription for kids. In addition to step-by-step art lessons and printable templates, subscribers will get mini art history books every month. Simply print, fold and enjoy! Over time, you'll build a beautiful art history library of your own.

Each mini book features full color reproductions of masterpiece art. Rhyming text adds concepts from the world of art history, so that before long, your kids'll recognize famous art movements and techniques with ease!

Thank you for joining us on this journey! We are so grateful for you.

By Ben Faubion profile image Ben Faubion
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