Art Smart and Successful: Tips for Life-Coaching Your Creative Kids
Tip #1 Off the Screen and into the Sketchbook!
Unlocking the timeless value of hands-on artistry, for classically minded families of today.
SubscribeTip #1 Off the Screen and into the Sketchbook!
Learn about the people and creativity behind Artisans and Makers content.
I'll never forget sitting in the attic of my parents house as a young child, finding a book on Henri Matisse and being mesmerized.
One of the reasons we love to teach the “Art Masters” with Artful Kids Club, is because often, these historic persons lived at defining moments of world history. Their art gives us a visual window into a significant time and place.
Are you new to home school? Me too! Actually, I started in 2019, with my “Sensory-challenged” kiddo who was NOT liking school at all.