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In-Person + Free Lessons
By Ben Faubion profile image Ben Faubion
2 min read

In-Person + Free Lessons

Free Trial Classes and Free Monthly Subscriptions!

We are super excited to launch in-person art classes in two locations: Fallbrook and Laguna Beach!

Our Laguna Beach classes are taught by one of my personal art heroes, Lisa Rainey! Lisa and I taught together years ago and we're psyched to get to collaborate once again.

In-Person: Laguna Beach
Art Classes for Kids and Teens in Laguna Beach

In Fallbrook, we're quickly filling up spaces for three unique classes. You can read about and register for a FREE TRIAL CLASS by clicking the link below.

In-Person: Fallbrook
Art Classes for Kids and Teens in Fallbrook CA

And guess what? Folks who enroll in any of our in-person classes (at either location) automatically become subscribers to the Artisan Monthly lesson bundles. No extra cost--it's our gift to you!

Ready to test an Artisans Monthly bundle and see how easy it is to help your kids get hands-on and creative at home?

Click below for a one minute video of a recent lesson. All we needed: a printout from the Artisans + Makers Subscription and a few easy supplies. The kids followed step-by-step instructions from the handout, and added their own fun ideas as well!


Q: How do Artisan + Makers classes work?

A: It's simple! Click here to browse all available bundles. Subscribe to unlock these lessons and receive a new bundle every month! Membership is just $9.99/month and you can cancel anytime! Each bundle includes easy-to-follow printables, mini art history books, and links to materials we think you'll love. Each bundle also includes lessons at various levels of difficulty– so everyone in your household (and friends and neighbors too if you like)–can enjoy together!

With love and gratitude,


By Ben Faubion profile image Ben Faubion
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