Treasuring the Timeless
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By Ben Faubion profile image Ben Faubion
1 min read

Treasuring the Timeless

How do we create art that is worthy of impacting our culture for generations to come?

How do we create art that is worthy of impacting our culture for generations to come?

“Ars lunga, vita brevis” 

Art is long. Life is brief. 

One day while helping my 9 year old with her Latin workbook, we came across this phrase: ars lunga, vita brevis.  I was intrigued.  It's true that the artifacts we create within culture—though not eternal of course—often outlive us.  And that begs a question:

How do we create art that is worthy of impacting our culture for generations to come?

Seeking an answer drives a lot of what we do here at Artisans and Makers:

  • Who are the great artists kids should know about? 
  • How can we teach some of their wisdom and skill through our lessons?  
  • What mindsets and habits help people reach their artistic potential?

These might seem like big questions, but we can begin with simple, easy steps:

  • On-demand lessons (for kids, teens, and families)
  • Printable project templates
  • Art history booklets
  • Writing prompts for “innovation + perseverance habits”
  • Interviews and articles about real-life “Artisans & Makers”

We welcome you to a journey toward a healthier, happier, more creative society, one family at a time! Subscribe today or start with a FREE sample pack and let the adventure begin!

By Ben Faubion profile image Ben Faubion
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